> 2023/03/07 - Added a new image to the weirdcore gallery. Coming up: a bit of a hiatus. I'm probably gonna take a break from updating the site for a bit, aside from the occasional weirdcore post, but I will come back! When I do, I'll start on mobile support.

> 2023/03/04 - Added the main page in Mountain cant. Most of the pain was from translating, which was a bit painful, but not the worst. Coming up: better mobile support!

> 2023/02/28 - Added new information about Mountain Cant, namely a new external resource, the orthography, and the personal pronouns. I also tweaked some pages and fixed a typo, in addition to adding another image to the weirdcore gallery. Coming up: pages in Mountain Cant! After that, I might work on getting the site a bit more mobile friendly. If not that, the next thing will be better language organisation.

> 2023/02/26 - Added the phonemic inventory for Mountain Cant. Just a minor update, same things are still in the works.

> 2023/02/26 - Added a W.I.P. main page for Mountain Cant. It's bare-bones for now, but will be expanded soon. I also added more weirdcore to the gallery. Coming up: more content on the Mountain Cant page and pages in Mountain Cant! I also intend to make a "Languages" page eventually to save on space on the hompepage, but that'll likely not happen for a few updates.

> 2023/02/26 - Added a gallery to put my weirdcore into for others to view. There was surprisingly little pain during this - not like the pain of getting the custom cursor to work, my god. I also tweaked some minor stuff you won't really notice just visiting, for my own coding convenience. Coming up: likely more conlanging stuff, maybe even an additional language! Possibly also more weirdcore images in the gallery.

> 2023/02/25 - Added this page so everyone can see what's been added. Additionally, this page will be a good outlet to vent the pain I experience while trying to program and being bad at it. Coming up: my weirdcore content!

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